Meal Planning & Prepping Services

Maintaining a healthy diet is the cornerstone of physical well-being, serving as a powerful catalyst for overall health and longevity. The nutrients derived from a balanced diet provide the essential fuel for our bodies so we can live life to our fullest. Nutrient-rich foods aid in the rehabilitation process by promoting faster recovery, enhancing muscle strength, and reducing inflammation. Incorporating essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants not only accelerates healing but also fortifies the body against future injuries. As individuals embark on their physical therapy journey, a healthy diet becomes an integral component, fostering the overall success of therapeutic interventions. By prioritizing a balanced nutritional intake, individuals can amplify the benefits of physical therapy, ensuring a holistic approach to well-being that encompasses both rehabilitation and preventive measures.

Meal Prepping & Planning

Customized with your health and tastebuds in mind!

A nutrient rich diet is paramount for muscle growth, energy levels, sleep quality, and overall wellness. At Home Health and Wellness is able to develop a customized meal plan and menu that is tailored to your needs. Lori can put together delicious, nutritious , meat-based or vegetarian options that are loaded with flavor!

You do not have to be a physical therapy client to utilized the meal planning and prepping services. Lori’s meal services are open to any and all!

Check out Lori’s Recipe of the Month!

Garden to Table

Lori’s meals may include fresh, clean ingredients and herbs from her garden. She incorporates much of her harvest into her clients’ diets, delivering fresh, organic ingredients right from her own backyard!

Flexible Scheduling & Frequency

At Home Health and Wellness will work with you to create a meal plan that works with your schedule and needs. For some of her clients, Lori is building meals for them on a daily basis whereas other clients utilize her services more sporadically, having Lori prepare meals when they are hosting company or tired from a long day of hitting physical therapy milestones!

Meal Planning vs Meal Prepping

Lori primarily works with her clients as a meal planner, creating healthy, delicious recipes that are easy to follow and leave her clients feeling satisfied.

Lori is also able to prepare meals for her clients on an ongoing or when needed basis.

To learn more about At Home Health And Wellness’s Meal Planning and Prepping services, please click the button below.

Custom Meal Planning - Grants Pass Oregon - Laurie Nissen
Custom Meal Planning - Grants Pass Oregon - At Home Health and Wellness - Diet Wellness


1 cup unsalted butter

3/4 cup brown sugar

3/4 cup white sugar

2 eggs

1 teaspoon vanilla

2 cups all purpose flour

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon baking soda

2 cups of small oatmeal

2 cups chocolate chips

1 cup chopped walnuts

Lori’s Oatmeal, chocolate chip cookies


This recipe has been a favorite since I was in Jr. High school. I had a birthday party and my friend Colin made these cookies for me and gave me the recipe. I still have the original version in his printing with colored pencils. How fun is that?!

Cream butter, sugars and vanilla. Add the eggs and mix well. Add the dry ingredients and mix until well blended. Add the chips and nuts. Stir together.

Bake on ungreased cookie sheets at 375 degrees for about 10 minutes. Store in an air tight container.

Physical wellness starts with a balanced and nutrient rich diet.

To learn more about At Home Health and Wellness’s custom meal planning and prepping services, click to the button below.